Creative Arts

At St Bernard’s we believe that The Arts provide students with a wide range of opportunities and means to respond to their experiences and engage with historical, social and cultural perspectives. Through The Arts the students are stimulated to think and to articulate their thoughts in new ways, via a variety of media and technologies. The Arts is a powerful mode of communication through which students explore and construct a sense of self and develop an understanding of the world around them. It promotes attitudes such as empathy and appreciation, and skills such as analysis, that help us to see the uniqueness of each person as well as explore the commonalities that connect us. 0The Arts engage students in creative processes through which they explore and experiment in a continual cycle of action and reflection. Such creative processes are seen as the driving force in learning through inquiry.

We are fortunate to have a specialist teacher to teach the strands of Dance, Drama and Music. Classes K-6 are rostered for a 40 minute lesson once per week and have their lessons delivered in a fully equipped music room.