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Dear Parents and Carers
We have nearly come to the end of Semester One which is hard to believe. Thank you for the many ways you have supported our school throughout Term 2.
The partnership between parents and the school plays a crucial part in education. Thank you to our staff for their hard work and commitment to ensuring the students are reaching their full potential in a safe and supportive learning environment. The teachers have enjoyed the term and are looking forward to meeting with parents next week.
We congratulate our students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Sunday. Archbishop Christopher Prowse confirmed the children. A special thank you to Mrs Smith, Mrs Nagel, Mr Whiteford, and Fr Luis and all involved in preparing the children to receive this Sacrament. It was a beautiful celebration with the school and parish community.
School Refusal
Guidelines are available for parents and carers dealing with school reluctance or refusal. These are a general set of recommendations on how you can reduce your child’s risk of school refusal and support their mental health and school engagement. These guidelines are intended for parents who are worried about their child’s engagement with school and those whose child is already experiencing school reluctance or refusal.
What increases children’s risk of developing school reluctance or refusal?
Some children are at higher risk of school reluctance or refusal than others. You might find it helpful to consider which risk factors apply to your child and whether these can be changed to reduce their risk. Even if any of the risk factors that apply to your child are difficult to change, you as a parent can still support your child to reduce the effect of these factors on your child.
What are the potential consequences of school reluctance or refusal?
There are both short- and long-term consequences a child may experience if school refusal is ongoing. These consequences include:
- missing out on learning/education
- exiting school early
- difficulties with friendships/peer relationships
- later problems with working life (e.g., unemployment)
- mental health problems
- conflict and strained relationships within the family
- decreased income in the family (e.g., if family members stay home from work to care for the child).
If your child is showing signs of school reluctance or refusal, it is important to make time to support them early. Early intervention is associated with better outcomes. Please refer to the link to the flyer with strategies to support parents.
Please reach out if your child is struggling to attend school. We are here to support all families.
Road Safety
A reminder to please take care in the mornings when dropping off students to school. With the number of buses and cars dropping off children, it is important to be on alert at all times. Please remind your child/ren when crossing the road to stop, look both ways and listen.
Pastoral Care and Behaviour Management
The staff at St Bernard’s Primary School agree that Pastoral Care and Welfare seeks to protect personal and school community safety, heal destructive behaviours, restore relationships, encourage reconciliation, enhance wellbeing, foster responsibility, enable personal growth, and promote the common good. The staff employ the philosophy of Restorative Practices to promote resilience. Restorative measures help students learn from their mistakes, grow in self-discipline, take responsibility for their actions, recognise the impact of their actions on others, and reconcile and resolve conflict with others. If a serious incident occurs at school involving your child, a phone call home will be made by the teacher who was on duty or was working through the situation. All parents of students involved, including the victim, will be contacted. This may not necessarily be your child’s classroom teacher. If you are concerned about an incident, please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance. Our door is always open.
Royal Far West: Parent Evening
On Tuesday night 4 clinicians from Royal Far West presented to families focusing on anxiety and student behaviours. Some of the key messages from the presentation included:
- All emotions are okay but not all behaviours are okay.
- Big feelings drive big behaviours.
- Behaviour is a form of communication.
- We need a balance of self-regulation and coregulation.
- Regulation happens in relationships with people that we feel safe with and trust. To be in the role of a co-regulator, we need to be regulated ourselves.
The evening was well received by the parents, and we had an excellent discussion afterwards. It was great to see parents and staff collaborating together in the workshop. In Term 3 we are planning on offering another workshop focusing on parent engagement. The date will be Thursday 17 September. More details will follow next term.
Carroll College Variety Night
A reminder that next Wednesday 3 July, the St Bernard’s Choir and the main cast of Moana will be performing at the Carroll College Variety Night. Tickets are available at the door. All families are welcome. The Variety Night begins at 6.00pm, with doors opening at 5.15pm, for families to enjoy a light supper.
Director’s Visit to St Bernard’s
Last Tuesday 25 June, Mr Ross Fox, Director of Catholic Education, visited St Bernard’s. He spent time with the staff, Fr Luis and I. Mr Fox viewed some of our facilities and spent some time with our students. It was great to showcase our school and the wonderful teaching and learning that is taking place at St Bernard’s. Our SRC spoke confidently and enthusiastically shared what they love about St Bernard’s.
The Official Enrolment period finished at the end of May. Interviews for students commencing at St Bernard’s in 2025 began last week. It was lovely to meet some new families and welcome them to the St Bernard’s Community. We are currently starting to organise the number of classes for 2025, therefore enrolment numbers are of a high importance. Please encourage family and friends to contact the school if they have a child starting in Kinder 2025 and collect an enrolment package.
Please be mindful that Friday 5 July is a Pupil Free Day. Students’ last day for Term 2 is Thursday 4 July. Students return for Term 3 on Tuesday 23 July.
Blessings on your family this week.
Warm regards
Johanna Wain
The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.
The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.
The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.
The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills.
The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills.
A reminder that Parent /Teacher interviews will be held next Monday 1 July and Tuesday 2 July. Many families have made an interview time, taking the opportunity to seek further information on their children's academic, social and emotional development. Please make an interview time through Compass or by contacting the front office if you require assistance.
I hope that you enjoy the approaching holiday time with your children.
Warm regards
Karen Hadley
God the Giver of Life
Our scriptural theme of contemplating faith continues this week as we meet Jarius and his family and a woman who has great sickness. Both events recounted in Mark’s Gospel (also in Luke 8: 40-48) are further explored across all the scriptures and prayers used in today’s Mass.
Last week we journeyed beside the Disciples as Jesus arose and calmed the natural elements and questioned and challenged the faith of his close followers and us. Where are we in our faith journey? Where is our faith? The boat they were in has now come to rest on the shores and a large crowd has gathered.
This week we are part of this crowd following Jesus, listening to Jesus, and looking for healing and acceptance. It is then that the two intertwined miracles unfold, both revealing a truth about our lives and the divine love and blessing given to us by God in the original blessing of our life and our faith.
Jarius and the woman represent all of us. Though their lives and situations are different, their needs are the same. Both Jarius and the woman show faith in different ways, one of perseverance and one of facing obstacles. They indicate to us that we can come to faith, be of faith and live out our faith in different ways but ultimately ask for/need the same action and response. Jarius ( for his daughter) and the woman call on Jesus to give them life and to have it to the fullest, to be healed, to be made whole and to become the best they can be. To have life and to live it fully.
John 10:10: “I have come that they may have life, and have it in abundance.” NCB
The first reading inspires the Rev. Jaegil Lee to state:
You are created in the image of God and blessed by God. You were conceived in original divine blessing in your mother’s womb; original blessing is always overflowing in your life. In truth, you are a part of the divine blessing itself.
Once again we are asked to believe and to have faith in Jesus and ultimately through him, with him and in him accept and deepen the original blessing of life given to us by God. We know, by this passage, that we can come to God at any time in our life and at any point, in goodness, in pain, in happiness and in sorrow and that through faith we can find love, strength, courage, forgiveness, and healing. Through Jesus, we deepen and experience a fullness of life and an eternal life.
The question is, are we ready to turn to Jesus? Do we make time to turn to Jesus? Do we ask him, reach out to him and show our faith in him so that we can have life to the fullest, now and forever?
Brendan Maynard
Last Sunday we celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with Archbishop Christopher Prowse and Father Loi. We were so blessed with a sunny morning and a beautiful celebration. Fourteen candidates attended with their sponsors and family and friends.
The candidates spent time preparing at home to receive the sacrament by working through their confirmation booklet with their parents. We completed the process by meeting with Father Loi after school on Thursday, sharing pizza and reflecting on their learnings and insights as part of their faith journey. The students also attended a parish Mass and reconciliation prior to Confirmation on the Sunday. Year 6 came together on Friday to meet with Father Loi to explore some questions about the rituals and traditions in the Church. This was a lovely way to support the Confirmation candidates whilst also making connections with the religious education program in Year 6 this term.
The Archbishop spoke about the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to fill our cup spiritually rather than with things of a material nature, and called us to go out into the world with faith and courage to extend our kindness and love to others.
Afterwards we were treated to a
delicious morning tea to celebrate the special day for the children. A special thank you to the school choir, Father Loi, Terry Jackson, Anne Jackson, Roslynne Trompe for your support and assistance with the preparation of the Mass and students’ stoles and certificates.
Reflections on my Confirmation
Annabelle: I loved the intriguing moments the Bishop told us about our full glasses and how we could empty half of our personal wants out of the glass to fit the Holy Spirit as one of the promises you can try and make in your confirmation.
Lucy: In my confirmation I really like how we got to choose our confirmation names. I chose Bernadette because I liked how it sounds and I got to wear a pretty dress and we learnt more about Jesus so it was really fun.
Isla: I liked when the bishop confirmed us.
Tomás: I like confirmation because I felt blessed, I felt blessed with the Holy Spirit.
MacKillop Rugby Union
We wish Noah B and Korban S the very best at the Mackillop Rugby Championships which will be held in Forbes this Sunday and Monday. We wish you safe travels and every success. We look forward to hearing how the competition went when you return.
Have a wonderful week
Angela Holmes
Congratulaions to the following students who were presented with a Begin with the Heart Merit Award during Term 2.
Weeks 6-7
Amelia M, Bronte K, Hudson E, Annabelle H, Ivy A, Harrison L, Layla V, Spencer B, Harper B, Evanna R, Cora McA, Aarchie S-F, Morgan H, Lola R, Ashton S, Mila W, Juliette D, James W, Joseph O’S, Corey S, Lucas C, Winter W, Annabelle T, Cosmo W. Franki S, Bridey C, Alex B, Kyla S, Deric B, Haylee T, Tully S, Azami S, Abby S, Oliver H, Nicholas E, Ava G, Ben T, Paige C, Paige L, Scarlett C, Chelsea S, Scarlett W, Indiana A, Levi O’S, Harper A, Aurelia A, Thomas A, Liv B, Rhylan B, Phoebe B, Amelia B, Isabella C, Kaitlyn D, Jasper G, Alvey A, Violet L, Eleanor P, Lyla T, Logan H, Lexi B, Olivia R, Hendrix P, Harper A, Seth W, Finlay F, Lilly G, Holly B, Charlotte F, Flynn A, Mia A, John B, Isla B, Molly M, Willow B, Levi T, Sienna B, Brennan C, Jamian G, Gemma M, Romy B, Dante T, Matthew S, Teagan W, Annabelle W.
Week 8
Astrid B, Ella A, Mikayla S, Quinn S, Nicholas E, Angus P, Oliver H, Deric B, Tully S, Sarah S, Madeline C, Alyssa D, Avia N, Hayley D, Piper B, Azami S, Haylee T, Jayda H, Lola R, Ashton S, Mila W, Juliette D, James W, Joseph O’S, Corey S, Charlotte C, Kayden G, Lennea H, Bexley B, Anabel D, Johann D, Sienna K, Grace R, Annie W, Sion D, Eva C, Stella F, Imogen R, Didier D, Korban S, Evie P, Harlo W, Lebron C, Johaan D, James W, Joseph O’S, Cali Z, Imogen T, Riley N, Harper A, Alvey A, Aurelia A, Isabella C, Kaitlyn D, Jasper G, Hudson L, Violet L, Eleanor P, Maxwel M, Nathaniel O’S, Logan B, Abigail T, Parka-Jayne A, Elijah McG, Remi F.
This term, Year 1 have expanded their knowledge of sentence writing by creating statement, question and exclamation sentences. We have also been exploring adjectives, and how they make our writing more interesting. We are using a variety of strategies to help us to encode and decode words. During our reading, we have used paired fluency routines, which has seen all of us grow as readers. Our shared texts have been rich in vocabulary, where we have explored words such as ridicule, woe, harsh and dignified. Some of our favourite books have been Polar Bear in Sydney Harbour, Secrets of the Seasons and Hello Lighthouse.
Our learners have become very confident in creating number bonds, finding missing numbers on number lines and telling the time on digital and analogue clocks. We have been measuring using informal units, learnt a variety of strategies when adding and subtracting numbers including bridging. Students are becoming very fluent with fact families and using mental strategies. We have excelled at representing numbers using base ten blocks and at creating repeating patterns.
Religious Education
During Religious Education, we have been exploring what it was like to live in the time of Jesus. We have explored places, locations and occupations of this time. We have read bible stories and connected to important lessons such as the ‘Golden Rule’: treat others as you would like to be treated.
Visual Arts
Each of our art lessons has centred on our weekly text. We have been learning about blending, collage, landscapes and using shape. We have created a contrasting colour painting of a flower, made a polar bear using dabbing technique and created a frog collage of Tidalak.
This term, our Geography unit has centred on learning about weather. We have explored the role of a meteorologist, discussed weather in different locations and considered what these different types of weather mean for us as people. We planned a camping trip for the three bears, making sure they had suitable attire and had packed the correct accessories.
Each week we go to the Library to borrow books. This is a fantastic way for us to build our love of reading and to enrich our minds. We also spend time learning how to type and navigate a variety of tools in word processing applications. We are very quick at logging in now, and we can type a list of words. We hope to be able to type 10 words a minute by the end of the year!
Term 2
Week 8 Class Awards
Presented: Friday 21 June 2024.
Congratulations to the following children who received a class award in Term 2, Week 8. It is great to see so many children working hard and receiving acknowledgment for their efforts.
Well done to all!
KB: Parka-Jayne A, Hollie D, Harley D, Logan L, Elijah M, Laci M, Kyah R. |
KD: Jakub C, Oliver L, Cora McA, Hallie M. |
KM: Bethany B, Ace W, Elliot W. |
1K: Asher A, Thomas B, Jagger L, Louie S. |
1M: Aida C, Lynkin H, Alexa K, Harlen R, Emma W. |
1R: Harper A, James B, Hudson L, Jonah P. |
2J: Tyler H, Jayla R, Corey S, Imogen T. |
2NB: Jacob B, Tahiti H, Amelia M, Mace McA, Ella R. |
3KT: Hendrix C, Bridget K-A, Natalie N, Franki S, Mikayla S. |
3W: Nynika B, Raph C, Kate S, Elsie W. |
4C: Mitchell B, Piper B, Alyssa D, Beau O'D, Angus P, Abby S. |
4L: Addison G, Xavier L, Charlie M, George S-D. |
5C: Evie P, Levi T, Violet N, Ella N, Georgina W. |
5M: Scarlett C, Ollie L. |
6C: Flynn A, Isla B, Sienna B, Sebastian L. |
6W: Gurnoor K, Tyler McD, Campbell R, Arthur S-D, Mia S. |