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Dear Parents and Carers
This week we begin the season of Lent. We invite you and your family to take this opportunity for reflection, prayer, and renewal. Lent is a time to pause, refocus, and strengthen our faith through acts of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It encourages us to deepen our relationship with God and extend kindness and generosity to those around us.
At school, we will be encouraging our students to think about small yet meaningful ways they can make a difference in their daily lives. Whether it’s offering a helping hand to a friend, showing gratitude, or practicing patience, these simple acts of service contribute to a more compassionate and caring community. We thank our Mini Vinnies students for cooking pancakes for the Shrove Tuesday fundraiser and to our parent community for supporting this cause, with money raised going to Caritas Project Compassion.
We encourage you to join us in this Lenten journey by discussing with your children ways they can practice kindness and selflessness at home and in the wider community. Together, let’s make this season a time of spiritual growth and renewal for all.
Prayers for Pope Francis
As a Catholic community, we keep Pope Francis in our thoughts and prayers as he faces illness. His leadership continues to guide the Church, inspiring us to live with faith, compassion, and service. We invite you to join us in praying for his health and strength, asking God to grant him comfort and healing. May our collective prayers bring him peace, just as his words and actions have brought hope and inspiration to millions around the world.
Parent Teacher Introductory Meetings
This week the Parent Teacher Introductory meetings have been held. These meetings provide a valuable opportunity for teachers to connect with families, discuss students' progress, and set goals for the remainder of the year. We appreciate your active participation in this important process, as it plays a crucial role in supporting each student's learning journey.
I would also like to extend my thanks to our dedicated staff for the additional hours they put in to ensure these meetings run smoothly and effectively. Please remember that communication between parents and teachers is key to supporting student success. You are welcome to contact your child’s teacher at any time throughout the year to discuss progress or address any concerns you may have.
Additionally, we send out weekly emails outlining important information for the upcoming week. Please don't hesitate to reply to these emails if you have any questions or require further clarification on any matter.
Welcome Barbeque and Disco
We would like to invite all our St Bernard’s families to a Welcome Barbeque and Disco on Thursday 13 March from 5.00pm – 6.30pm. This will be held in the Lean To and on the bottom oval at St Bernard’s. There is no cost for the sausages and some of our Community Council members will be selling sweet treats. Don’t forget to RSVP by clicking on the following link by Friday 6 March.
Next week, NAPLAN testing will commence on Wednesday 12 March and go through until Monday 24 March. Students in Years 3 and 5 will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
NAPLAN is just one part of our school learning assessment program. The tests assess literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school.
In preparation for NAPLAN, our school have been undertaking activities to help students become familiar with the format and functionality of the online tests. These activities are not an assessment of student ability and will not be marked.
Our priority is to ensure that our students have the right conditions to participate in the NAPLAN tests to the best of their ability and in an environment where they feel supported.
STEM Enrichment Program
Last week, the Year 6 STEM Enrichment Program, facilitated by Mr. Andrew Kenneally at Carroll College, commenced. This three-week program runs fortnightly, with students participating in groups of 10 to ensure everyone has an opportunity to take part throughout the year.
Our students will be joined by students from St Mary’s Moruya, fostering relationships, helping them become familiar with the high school environment, and engaging in an academically enriching experience.
School Assemblies
School assemblies are held on Fridays throughout the term at 8:45 am, with different grades taking turns to lead them. These assemblies serve as a platform to acknowledge and celebrate the learning occurring in the classroom. Additionally, they provide an opportunity to present awards to students who demonstrate readiness to learn and exemplify the values of St Bernard's school. The names of the award winners are published in the school newsletter, ensuring recognition of their achievements. Parents, grandparents, and members of the community are encouraged to attend these assemblies. Upcoming assembly dates can be found on the parent Compass calendar or the school's Google Calendar. This regular assembly tradition not only fosters a sense of community and pride within the school but also reinforces the importance of academic excellence and positive behaviour among students.
Save the Date – 2025 Enrolments
Our official enrolment period for 2025 begins in Term 2 (5 May – 23 May). If you know families with children starting Kindergarten next year, please encourage them to attend our Open Day on Tuesday, 6 May (Week 2, Term 2). This is a wonderful opportunity to experience life at St Bernard's and see our school in action.
Many of our Year 3 students are currently preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which will take place on Tuesday 8 April at 5.00pm. This Sacrament is an important step in their faith journey, allowing them to reflect, seek forgiveness, and grow in their relationship with God. Please keep our young people and their families in your prayers as they prepare for this special occasion.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Karen Hadley
Tell us about your experiences as a Catholic school parent and what you'd like to know more about
We value every parent's thoughts and opinions!
CCSP would like to know how involved/engaged you feel you are in your child's learning at a NSW/ACT Catholic school, how connected you feel in your child's school, and your thoughts on how schools could enhance family-school partnerships.
This data informs our parent learning program and provides us with valuable information about how our dioceses and schools are engaging with families.
Thank you so much for taking time out to give us your feedback.
Please click the link to go to the survey:
LENT is a season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving that begins with Ash Wednesday and concludes at sundown on Holy Thursday. At this point, the Easter Triduum begins and Catholics enter more deeply into the mystery of Christ’s Passion before Easter.
Although penance is a calling of every Catholic throughout his or her life, Lent is a season specially marked out for the Church to be ‘united among themselves by common observance’ of it (Code of Canon Law, §1249). It is a way of growing in the faith together.
What is penance?
Although the term penance might sounds strange to modern ears, and perhaps hold some negative connotations, you might be surprised to learn that penance in the Catholic tradition is considered a virtue, one we’re invited to live in our whole lives, not just in the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Lent, as a penitential season, is the time for us to turn radically back to God; to experience true conversion and repentance. This conversion, however, is primarily the work of grace, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (§1432). Lent should not be approached simply as a season of self-denial, then, but welcomed as a season of grace, in which our hearts can be softened.
Is Lent just about ‘giving something up’?
No. As you’ve probably caught on by now, giving something up—or fasting—is only one of three things we should be focusing on throughout Lent. The other two, prayer and almsgiving, are very much about ‘taking something up’.
What are our Lenten obligations?
In Australia and New Zealand, the obligations for Lent are:
¨ Catholics aged 18-59 should fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
¨ Catholics aged 14 and older should abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
¨ Catholics aged 14 and over should abstain from meat on every Friday of the year, including Lent or substitute this with another form of penance, either in prayer, fasting or almsgiving
Taking up some form of voluntary penance throughout the season of Lent is also expected.
What is the difference between fasting and abstinence?
On a day of fasting, Catholics are supposed to have one normal-sized meal and two ‘snacks’ (or ‘smaller meals’), which cannot, put together, equal a full meal.
On a day of abstinence, Christians are asked to abstain from meat (although seafood is allowed).
Why do we have obligations?
According to the Catechism, obligations like this are there to serve the moral and spiritual life of the faithful. The purpose is to make plain ‘the very necessary minimum in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbour’ (CCC, §2041)—essentially, they are the lowest bar we have to meet to grow in the spiritual life.
Fr Rex
“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” Luke 1:45
Prayers for His Holiness, Pope Francis
Undoubtedly you have heard that our Pontiff is currently unwell and in hospital in Rome. I would encourage you all to take a moment to pray for Pope Francis at this time of need. Speak with your children about his role in our Church and involve them in the prayers too.
Commitment Masses - Reconciliation
On Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 February, students, families, staff and parishioners gathered at St Bernard’s Church to witness the commitment of our candidates for Reconciliation for 2025.
Father Rex Curry led a family and parish focused service, where the families were presented to the parish. Father Curry then led the students through their commitment rite, inviting all present to walk the journey with the students. In all honesty, it was family orientated with Father Curry making each child feel welcome and at ease.
The Homily offered by Father Curry was well thought out, and it offered each of us present at Mass something to contemplate. His challenge to consider why we as Catholics choose not to go to church and how the church can also contemplate this was a testament to his open and connected approach to ministry in our Parish.
So I guess what I took away from this was: how can we as Catholics start the conversation amongst ourselves about what is holding us back? Why don’t we go to church and how can we work with the likes of Father Rex to bridge the gap and start to build a guiding dialogue?
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Whole School Christian Meditation
We continue to improve our whole school practice in Christian Meditation.
Pope Francis (April 2021) stated that everyone could benefit from Christian Meditation, he went on to say that our lives are busy and there is limited time to stop and find time to connect with God. If you would like to hear his words, please see the QR code below.
If you are visiting the school on a Friday, you may hear this announcement. We simply ask that you pause for the time in between the chimes.
You may see the below notice around to remind you that we are pausing as a school to open our minds and hearts to the presence of the Lord. We invite you to stop and join us.
We are all busy, but pausing to start the day has been reported by staff and students to make a big difference to our morning routines here at St Bernard’s Primary School. I know that Mrs Hadley recently attended Christian Meditation with Kindergarten and she said she was impressed with the participation and authenticity of her experience in the classroom. Well done Kindergarten on leading the way!
Student Ministry in Action: CSYMA
This week, our Year 6 students will travel to Carroll College to attend a leadership retreat which will be hosted by Mrs Belle Barling and the CSYMA students at the college. This day is designed to provide students with opportunities to explore leadership through a Catholic lens.
The students spend the day learning about what we need in life for our journey with Jesus. Using the symbolism of a backpack, students learn that on a journey they need to bring many items with them to explore different obstacles and enjoy different opportunities. This is the same as we explore and deepen our relationship with Jesus through prayer, reflection and building relationships with others.
In addition to this, we are providing organic opportunities for students in Year 6 at St Bernard’s Primary School to put ministry into practice through leading prayer, Christian Meditation and to drive our ‘Begin With The Heart’ values system.
Lent Lead by Mini Vinnies
Thirty-seven (37) students have taken on the call to be involved in our Mini Vinnies Group for 2025.Outstanding!
Lent started this week, and as such we will participate in Caritas Australia's Project Compassion to Unite Against Poverty and take action to make a lasting difference. Donation boxes will come home with the eldest in the family this week. We thank you in advance for your charity and support.
We celebrated Shrove Tuesday this week with a Pancake Fundraiser. All funds raised will go towards our contributions to Project Compassion. We will be sure to keep you updated about funds raised by the school.
Ash Wednesday

Also on Wednesday, we launched our Forty Items Challenge to staff. Watch this space for the weird and wonderful things staff place into their charity bags.
In addition, Mr Maynard and I have joined ‘The Long Walk for Water’: A new self-defined 40-day walking challenge. We’ve started a team page for our staff, and we hope that we can make a small difference through this action to our own wellbeing and to the Caritas initiative. We’re already at $176.00. Go team!

Beck Keough
Religious Education Coordinator
It has been another busy and exciting fortnight at St Bernard’s, with many events and special occasions providing our students with opportunities to thrive and engage in meaningful activities.
Over the past two weeks, our students participated in Clean Up Australia Day, where they learned the importance of caring for our coastal environment by ensuring rubbish is disposed of properly. This initiative helped instil in our students the responsibility we all share in protecting our planet.

We’re proud of the way our students continue to participate and grow in such valuable experiences, and we look forward to many more exciting opportunities in the weeks to come.
Attendance at school
I would like to thank all parents and carers for making student attendance at school in 2025 your priority. Ensuring your child attends school every day is a legal responsibility for all parents and carers.
The school day starts at 8:40am and arriving at or before this time is essential to ensure your child starts every day to maximise their learning time. If your child is late by even as little as 5 minutes a day, this time accumulates over the course of the term to days and weeks of missed learning. Each morning, Yrs 1-6 start the day with a Spelling lesson. If your child is late, they are missing key instruction time. We understand that on rare occasions you might be late to school. If this is the case, please sign in using the Compass kiosk at the front office before sending your child to class.
Lunchtime Activities for Students
We are excited to offer a variety of lunchtime activities that provide students with a chance to take a break from the busy playground and enjoy some quiet, fun time with their peers. Here’s what’s on offer each week:
- Monday: Board Games
- Tuesday: Choir
- Wednesday: Chess Club
- Thursday: Minecraft Club
- Friday: Drawing and Games
These activities allow students to engage in creative and strategic fun while socializing in a calm environment. We encourage all students to take part and make the most of these opportunities!
Year 4 Assembly – Family and Friends Welcome!
We are excited to invite all family and friends to the Year 4 assembly on Friday, 14 March at 8:45 am. The Year 4 students will be sharing what they have been learning and working on in their classroom. It’s sure to be an enjoyable and insightful presentation, and we look forward to seeing you there to support our students!
Jeni McCarthy
Assistant Principal
Year 6 Commencement to the Year: A Fresh Start Full of Opportunities
As the school year begins, our Year 6 students have already embraced a whirlwind of exciting events and initiatives. From leadership roles to hands-on learning experiences, the beginning of the year has been a fantastic journey for all involved.
We commenced the year with our Leadership Badge Presentation Ceremony, where students proudly received their badges, symbolizing their commitment to leading with responsibility, integrity, and enthusiasm. It was a proud moment for both the students and the school community.
Our Swimming Carnival was another highlight, with students showing impressive teamwork and determination in the pool. The day was filled with fun and friendly competition, with many participants cheered on by their classmates. Our Sports Captains were especially energetic, motivating their teams and fostering a spirit of sportsmanship that was inspiring to witness.
A major event early in the term was our Excursion to Canberra, where students had the opportunity to learn firsthand about democracy through interactive displays, tours, and role-playing activities. This immersive experience provided valuable insights into how our government functions and gave students the chance to explore Australia's rich political history.
Back at school, the Student Representative Council (SRC) meets every week to discuss important initiatives. Our first project, Waste Warriors, aims to care for the environment by encouraging sustainable practices and raising awareness about waste reduction. The enthusiasm shown by our SRC members in this project has been inspiring, and we are excited to see how it will evolve throughout the year.
With so many engaging activities and learning opportunities already experienced, it's clear that this year will be one full of growth and achievement. We are all looking forward to what the rest of the year holds as we continue to work together, learn, and explore the world around us.
Mr Brendan Maynard & Mrs Elizabeth Coggan
Year 6 Teachers
AFL K-2 Skills Day and GWS Visit
Last week the GWS AFL team came to visit the students. Kinder to Year 2 participated in a variety of skills with our Year 6 leaders leading the groups.

In the afternoon Primary classes thoroughly enjoyed meeting the players and having a kicking session with them. Thank you to the Giants for visiting and making the students day.

Canberra Goulburn Swimming Championships
St Bernard’s was proud to send twenty-nine amazingly talented swimmers to the Archdiocesan Swimming Carnival in Boorowa on Monday 3 March. Indiana A, Charlie M, Eva H, Beatrix F, Taj P, Ethan S ,Harlo P, Isaac R, Liam C, Astrid B, Cali Z, Winter W, Annabelle T, Hudson A, Toby S, Raph C, Jacob B, Polly B, Sally S, Van C, Hendrix P, Jacob B, Mia B, Willow B, James P, Brooklyn S, Charlotte F & Jace T.

The students displayed great skill to reach this level of competition as well as the most important quality of good sportsmanship. At Archdiocesan level the students compete against all other Catholic schools in the Archdiocese as far west as Lake Cargelligo and West Wyalong as far north as Goulburn all the way down to the Victorian boarder. They had a fantastic day and were very successful in matching or beating their personal best times. For some of our students this was their first time competing at Archdiocesan level and the competition and atmosphere was inspiring even though there were a few nervous butterflies.
The top two competitors in each event were selected to compete at the NSW Combined Primary Schools Championships at Sydney Olympic Park on Wednesday 2 April.
Our team were amazingly successful in Boorowa, with Annabelle T, Beatrix F and Taj P selected in their individual events. Also chosen to compete at Homebush were our Senior Boys Relay team and Junior Girls Relay team who were an outstanding first in their events. Congratulations to Ethan S, Harlo P, Isaac R, Taj P, Liam C, our fantastic reserve, Astrid B, Cali Z, Winter W and Annabelle T.

Beatrix F was named 11yr Archdiocesan Champion Swimmer
Annabelle T was runner up Junior Archdiocesan Champion Swimmer
PSSA Girls AFL Trials
Congratulations to Indiana A who competed at the PSSA Girls AFL Trials on Tuesday. She said it was a wondeful experience playing so many games with so many talented girls.
We are very proud of all the talented students we have here at St Bernard’s. Congratulations on your enthusiasm and for representing our school with pride. We wish you well in your training and can’t wait to hear about your experience.
Have a wonderful week,
Angela Holmes
Sports Coordinator/PE Teacher